VoxStars Rehearsal - VoxStars

6:30pm, Wed, Oct 2 2024

  • Event Details
  • Type of event: Rehearsal
    Start time: 6:30pm
    End time: 8:30pm
    Venue: 40 College St.
    Hanover, NH 03755
    Description: Our door is open to any who wish to sing with our all voices chorus, the VoxStars.
  • Program
  • Start timeActivityMusicMinutesRun byDetails/Notes
    6:30pmSocialising 15 Sharing: What is your favorite thing about Fall?
    6:45pmPhysical warm-ups 1 Flying goose breathing! When your "wings" go up, breathe in; out when arms go down. Then stand in a circle touching hands. Alternate the breath plan and create resistance
    6:46pmVocal warm-ups 2 Baby cry with lots of oo in the W: Wah! Go higher
    6:48pmVocal warm-ups 5 1155115512321 on Dee doh dee doh dee dee dee then repeat with no breath
    6:53pmVocal warm-ups 1 Blow across pretend glass bottles on peel-off with words: music, melody, rhythm
    6:54pmWarm-ups 1 Fruit salad! Plums, apples, and watermelons,
    6:55pmRehearse songSing (B♭)15 Harmony parts sing in trios. Soprano IIs and Tenor II's stand in the middle
    7:10pmRehearse songCircle of Life (C)15 Add rhythm on the cajon!
    7:25pmTeach songI'm Still Standing (C)25 m87 to end. Ask about lower key version.
    7:50pmAnnouncements 9 Business.
    7:59pmRehearse songCan't Stop the Feeling (E♭)5 Make a 4x4 array of parts. only 1 line sings at a time, directed by Dan
    8:04pmPerform songCloser to Fine (B♭)5 Think about sing/speak
    8:09pmPerform song 5 Work on the skit
    8:14pmPerform song 5 Skit time
    8:19pmClosing songKeep the Whole World Singing (E♭)1 Bill S leads
    Program Duration: 110 minutes; Finish time: 8:20pm