NCC Rehearsal - North Country Chordsmen

6:30pm, Tue, Nov 5 2024

  • Event Details
  • Type of event: Rehearsal
    Start time: 6:30pm
    End time: 8:30pm
    Venue: 40 College St.
    Hanover, NH 03755
    Description: Our door is open to any who wish to sing with our male voices chorus, the North Country Chordsmen.
  • Program
  • Start timeActivityMusicMinutesRun byDetails/Notes
    6:30pmSocialising 15 Sharing: What is your favorite way to wrap presents (or not!)?
    6:45pmPhysical warm-ups 1 Bubble the melody to Frosty the Snowman. Try it in bursts and then smoothly.
    6:46pmVocal warm-ups 5 Staccato 554433221 ah start on C
    6:51pmVocal warm-ups 2 1 121 12321... on noo, nee, nah
    6:53pmVocal warm-ups 1 Clean quartet sound. Replicate with clean octet sound. 5 note peel off on warm vowel.
    6:54pmWarm-ups 1 Read the lyrics to "What'll I Do?" to a partner as a conversation
    6:55pmRehearse songMore Music (A♭ Dorian)15 Leads face the harmony parts. All off music
    7:10pmRehearse songSilent Night (C)15 Clean quartet sound. Replicate with clean octet sound.
    7:25pmRehearse songBe Careful, Don't Tear the Paper (G)15 Learn beginning to m32
    7:40pmAnnouncements 9 Business. Joke from BruceP
    7:49pmRehearse songHanukkah (C)5  
    7:54pmPerform songChildren's Medley (B♭)5 Think about sing/speak. (Make sure to check on interest for Nighthawks game)
    7:59pmPerform songS'vivon (D)5 Think about sing/speak:
    8:04pmPerform songSing (B♭)5 Think about sing/speak:
    8:09pmClosing songKeep the Whole World Singing (E♭)1 MikeW leads
    Program Duration: 100 minutes; Finish time: 8:10pm