NCC Rehearsal - North Country Chordsmen

6:30pm, Tue, Oct 15 2024

  • Event Details
  • Type of event: Rehearsal
    Start time: 6:30pm
    End time: 8:30pm
    Venue: 40 College St.
    Hanover, NH 03755
    Description: Our door is open to any who wish to sing with our male voices chorus, the North Country Chordsmen.
  • Program
  • Start timeActivityMusicMinutesRun byDetails/Notes
    6:30pmSocialising 15 Sharing: What did you enjoy about our annual show?
    6:45pmPhysical warm-ups 1 Lay down in the rug room with knees up. Breathe your back into the floor. Sing Shine on Me in this position. Between each phrase, recharge breath.
    6:46pmVocal warm-ups 2 Speak the phrases from Let There Be Peace, then +3 larynx down by 1 each time, then back forward
    6:48pmVocal warm-ups 5 1211 5655 12321. Nee noh nee
    6:53pmWarm-ups 1 Mix that fruit salad! Dan gives a 4 fruit line and each singer sings it in a cascade 1, 2, 3, 4
    6:54pmVocal warm-ups 1 Find the resonances and larynx placements of the Dan-designated leaders. Sing intro to "What'll I Do"
    6:55pmRehearse songAs Long As I Got You (G)15 Duet parts while other two parts focus on expression and phrase endings
    7:10pmRehearse songMore Music (A♭ Dorian)25 Section work. Unify note choices, resonance, and expression. Remember our story: Not sure if our partner feels the same way
    7:35pmRehearse songSing (B♭)15 sing in section circles, then one of each part in the circles
    7:50pmAnnouncements 9 Business. Joke from DaveBruce
    7:59pmRehearse song 5 Learn tag of Sing an Old Song
    8:04pmPerform songWhat'll I Do? (D)5 Think about sing/speak:
    8:09pmPerform songAmerica the Beautiful Overlay (B♭)5 Think about sing/speak:
    8:14pmPerform songHow Can I Keep from Singing? (A♭)5 Think about sing/speak:
    8:19pmClosing songKeep the Whole World Singing (E♭)1 DaveS leads
    Program Duration: 110 minutes; Finish time: 8:20pm